Quality improvement by cemented carbide sludge recovery
Reasons for introduction
Tokyo Seisakusho manufactures machine parts and industrial blades for the printing and bookbinding industries. In grinding cemented carbide products, such as cutting blades for posters and books, we had used paper filters for sludge recovery, but we had hard time doing maintenance for tanks, such as cleaning.
Sludge in liquid has adverse effect on processing quality in the first place. To recover cemented carbide sludge, we had been looking for a separator capable of recovering cemented carbide sludge. In the circumstances, I found your Magnet Separator UK featured by the strongest magnetic intensity at a trade show.

Generally, filtering machines capable of recovering cemented carbide sludge are apt to be large-scaled. In comparison with those filtering machines, your Magnet Separator UK is compact in terms of size and cost of the main body. This was one of our deciding factors.
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Fine Tech has a lending service for demonstration machine to enable us to evaluate the performance before deciding the introduction. We decided to use that service.
As soon as we began to evaluate the performance with a demonstration machine, it began to exert its effect. A month later, we determined that the machine could largely save our maintenance cost, and decided to officially introduce your machine.
Effects realized after introduction
The blade edge is no longer finely damaged by cemented carbide sludge, and thereby, I feel, our original objective to improve the quality of processed products has been fulfilled.
Compared with existing filtering machines, your machine is four to five times higher in sludge recovery rate. Thanks to your machine, we can clean tanks easily now. FINEMAG is also high in squeezing performance, and recovered sludge contains little moisture. This has relieved us from recovery-work burden. Dry sludge does not make our factory floor dirty, giving us another merit in terms of environment.

Maintenance and after-sale service
We have used UK Series for nearly eight years with no troubles. I feel that the durability is high.
Whenever we need your help, we feel at ease because your sales staffs are always at our service.
Concerning the after-sale service, the maintenance-related video of FINEMAG you transmitted to us the other day will help us great.
For the above as background, we have already introduced UK Series in our other factories. Furthermore, we are considering the purchase of additional UK Series.

Customer information
Tokyo Seisakusho Co., Ltd.
Manufacturing Dept., Head Office Factory
Mr. Hiroshi Fujita, General Manager
Mr. Hiroaki Miyakubo, Subsection Chief
Mr. Akiomi Baba