Strong magnetic force achieves recovery of fine muddy sludge.
High efficiency to meet the demand of production sites could cut the cleaning cost by half.
Reasons for introduction

Before we introduced FINE MAG, we had had a problem with fine sludge which accumulated in the coolant tank of machining centers. Because the conveyor alone, used for chip removal, was not enough to completely remove fine sludge generated in the cast iron processing, fine sludge accumulated up to about a half of the coolant tank of 400 mm deep in three months. Therefore, once every three months, we had to stop the production line and clean the sedimentation of muddy cast iron sludge in the coolant tank.
That muddy sludge firmly solidifies inside of the machines. In order to prevent trouble over the clogging of the piping and pump with the sludge, we had to give a frequent maintenance. This was taken as a problem which kept us from raising the productivity, and there were growing calls for improvement from the production staffs.
We had to do cleaning four times a year, which costed us about 100,000 yen each time. About this problem, we consulted to Sumitomo who had taken care of us for another business for a long time. In response, he suggested us Model KSD-12 of FINE MAG. It was featured by a strong magnetic force to completely recover fine sludge, and a magnetic drum which was larger in size and higher in power to transfer cutting chips compared with the standard type. Because KSD-12 had all functions which we were looking for, we decided to accept the suggestion.
Effects of introduction
It has been a year and a half since we introduced FINE MAG. We have not yet used so long, but the amount of fine sludge sedimentation in the coolant tank in the initial six months is obviously smaller, compared with that in a period of three months before the introduction of the magnetic separator. We had to do cleaning once every three months before, but after the introduction, we need to do cleaning nothing more than once in six months.
It took us fully half a day to stop the production line and do cleaning. For cost-saving, we allocated two or three internal staffers to cleaning work instead of outsourcing it to external cleaners. In addition to labor and cleaning costs, however, it also costed us about 400,000 yen a year to procure coolant liquid, etc.
But after the introduction of FINE MAG, we have cut this cost by half to 200,000 yen. This has resulted in a substantial cutting of the total maintenance cost. At first, just after the introduction, the site person in charge of FINE MAG was so pleased and he walked up frequently to each FINE MAG installed place to witness the smooth discharge of fine sludge.
We are planning to extend the cleaning intervals to nine months. And if we confirm there is no problem, we will extend the cleaning-free period further to one year. Because FINE MAG is exerting its performance beyond expectation, we now feel contented with the introduction.

Maintenance and after-sales service

We have introduced eight units of FINE MAG in total into our production line. Since then, we have used them all with no need of maintenance and with no troubles. With the substantially improved filtering equipment thanks to FINE MAG, there is little trouble in the machine bodies, and we can do away with cleaning labor. To a degree that we have saved our cleaning labor, we expect FINE MAG to fuel the improvement in our productivity and product quality in the future.
We have been in business with Sumitomo for over six years. In this good relationship, we have received various suggestions for factory improvement, too. Whenever we encounter a problem or we are requested from site operators, we contact Sumitomo’s person in charge of us, and, he, for example, shows equipment which can clear the problem. Furthermore, he walks around our production sites at regular intervals to find out equipment which needs to be updated. Whenever we contact him, he always responds with sincerity.
Benefits of installation
- Cutting of coolant tank cleaning cost by 50%
- Sludge recovery performance beyond expectation
- Sincere response of Sumitomo with suggestions for clearing problems
Customer information
IJTT Co., Ltd.
Mr. Takuya Iwase
Maintenance Group, Manufacturing Dept. 1